
Send Farther Command


send <object> {to back | farther} Applies to all objects


The send farther command allows you to reposition the specified object within the sequence of all objects that exist on the current card. The to back option repositions the object to the lowest layer, or farthest from the top. The farther option moves the object one layer lower.


Changing an object's layer changes its number if it is not the only object of its class on the current card. The to back option changes the object's number to 1 and increases the numbers of all other objects of that class by 1. The farther option decreases the object's number by 1.


on mouseUp Ask "How many times? with 5 put it into numtimes repeat numtimes send shape "outer" to back wait for 1 second send shape "inner" to back wait for 1 second end repeat end mouseUp Click on the button and then click on OK to dismiss the dialog box. You can see the visual effect of the inner shape appearing and disappearing.
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.